Feeling Better is Just the Beginning
Does any of this sound like you?
An entrepreneur pulled between wanting to do well in your business and wanting to do well in your family
Someone who has finally had enough of dealing with anxiety
A person who is grieving the loss of someone close to you
A mother who feels an incredible amount of pressure and who never feels fully present in the moment
A woman who is tired of feeling irritable, angry, upset, lonely, depressed or just not their best
At True North Counseling & Development we are licensed therapists in Lexington, KY who specialize in serving women across Kentucky. Oftentimes, our clients are stressed out and having a hard time dealing with all the different roles, responsibilities, people, and demands they have in their lives. Through counseling, we work with women who worry that they’re constantly dropping the ball, and that they’ll be overwhelmed by negative emotions forever.
Mental health counseling at True North is individualized for the specific needs of each person, and designed to give them the tools they need to have a more organized, less stressful life. Our Lexington, KY based therapists are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, and entrepreneurs themselves. We want each of our clients to be heard and to know they are not alone in striving for a better sense of well being.
Because the women we see are often stepping out of a hectic day to attend therapy appointments with us, we create a calm, spa-like environment for therapy where they don’t have to feel judged or embarrassed, and we also provide online therapy to make things even easier. We offer counseling services because we are passionate about women’s mental health in our community and across Kentucky.
We want you to feel:
· Able to successfully run your businesses, have positive relationships, and raise your children well
· Less rushed and as though you have a handle on your time
· A sense of balance between “work time,” “home time,” and “me time.”
· A decrease in negative emotions
· Less concern about what other people think
· Grounded, steady
· A sense that your life has more order and organization
· Satisfied, content, and confident
At True North we love to see the accomplishment and pride women feel as they develop their skills and invest in themselves. Our therapists are dedicated to instilling both a sense of hope that you will be able to make it through the hard times and confidence that you will achieve your goals and dreams.
If working with one of our therapists in Lexington or online sounds appealing to you, please contact us.
At True North
We Believe
in providing women with understanding, encouragement, and the tools they need to lead more satisfying, fulfilling lives.
We believe in support. We believe in courage.
We believe in you.