Do find yourself constantly struggling to cope with anxiety?

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed about a problem in your life?

  • Are stress and anxiety affecting multiple areas of your life?

  • Are you feeling physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a fast heart rate, muscle tension, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping?

  • Do you feel irritable, stressed, agitated, or restless?

  • Do you find yourself having trouble healing from a past traumatic event?

  • Are you experiencing panic attacks?

  • Do you find yourself avoiding situations to prevent your stress and anxiety?

  • Do you find yourself dealing with anxiety in ways you feel like are unhealthy?

Everyone feels anxious and stressed at some point in their lives. Anxiety can be a normal response to a stressful situation, but what happens when the anxiety symptoms become severe and negatively interfere with your life? Anxiety can present in different ways and has multiple causes, but a common thread is a feeling of discomfort and worry.

Dealing with anxiety affects your quality of life. At times, you realize your reaction is disproportionate to your fears, but you have difficulty controlling it. 

Overcoming anxiety seems impossible. Maybe others are telling you to “calm down” and “get over it,” but if it were that easy, you would have already done that. You feel at a place where your usual ways of coping with stress are just not working, and sometimes feel like they are making the problem worse. Regardless of what type of anxiety you are experiencing, it can feel miserable. 

The good news is that anxiety is a very treatable condition.  Our brains are designed to react to stressful situations, but also to be rewired to learn how to cope with stressors and process stressful information more effectively. Relief from anxiety is a very real outcome.

One helpful step forward is to find a therapist experienced in anxiety treatment, and you have come to the right place! Therapists at True North are compassionate, committed, and dedicated to helping you feel better.  We can help identify the best treatment approach for your anxiety, and we use a variety of evidence-based methods that work. We can help give you tools for dealing with anxiety and living a better quality of life.   We will work with you to reach your treatment goals and strive to change your life for the better.  

If you are ready to connect with one of our therapists and regain control of your situation, please give us a call.


True North anxiety therapists in Lexington, KY: