Posts in Time Management
Hear from an Anxiety Therapist | Lexington, KY

It was a ridiculous kind of a day. On a recent 100 degree day, I found myself delivering over 50 mums all over town for a school fundraiser, scouring stores for acorn flour for a school project needing to be completed that night, ordering solar panels/materials for a science project, with runs to soccer, trumpet lessons, cross country, a doctor’s appointment, on top of overseeing homework, a house painting project, work, and several other dozen things. Far too often, this type of day has repeated itself…

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Tips for Dealing with Procrastination | Lexington, KY

Today's post is all about procrastination. I consider myself to be an expert in this area, not only because I have struggled with procrastination for the majority of my life (my first memories are from Kindergarten), but also because my dissertation studied how procrastination and perfectionism intersect and affect those in ABD status in their doctoral studies.

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