Posts in Mindfulness
Be a Garden Well Tended

Springtime is around the corner. I have noticed more trees flowering, grass growing taller, and many in my social network are getting their flower beds ready for new growth this year. When I look at my own yard, I see dandelions, an unpruned hedge, weeds in an unkempt flower bed, and splotchy brown spots in the grass. I couldn’t help but make this analogy: We are all living a life where the garden is either well tended or an unkempt and overgrown lot. I could write many excuses as to why I haven’t put on the gardening gloves or picked up the rake/tiller, but I think all those excuses would lead to one simple conclusion, it seems like too much…WORK. 

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New Year’s Restoration

While many are familiar with New Year’s resolutions, my life experience knows them as the light and fluffy uncommittable goals that I say once and never follow through. I know that for some, maybe many of you, the pandemic was just last year right??? Nope, it will be four years ago this year, and it still feels like my brain and body are in recovery from the trauma. Each of us has life stressors, traumas, and insurmountable obstacles that either come and go or compound as time progresses. 

For this blog post, I would like to shift attention away from the problem itself and possible solutions and redirect it inward. I ask you to reflect on the questions below and what they mean to you.

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Hear from an Anxiety Therapist | Lexington, KY

It was a ridiculous kind of a day. On a recent 100 degree day, I found myself delivering over 50 mums all over town for a school fundraiser, scouring stores for acorn flour for a school project needing to be completed that night, ordering solar panels/materials for a science project, with runs to soccer, trumpet lessons, cross country, a doctor’s appointment, on top of overseeing homework, a house painting project, work, and several other dozen things. Far too often, this type of day has repeated itself…

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